Community Resources

West End Free Thursday Market at Lyon Park

The West End Free Thursday Market at Lyon Park is a bi-weekly market of locally grown produce and high-quality dry goods, made available through a partnership between the West End Community Foundation, Inc., candor (chronically ill, autistic, nero-eclectic, disabled organization for reclamation), and Farmer Foodshare. All items are free.
Food Distributed:
~Seasonal fruits and veggies from local farmers
~Dry Goods like rice, pasta, rolled oats, cereal, etc.
The Market doors open at 2:00 p.m. and shopping starts at 3:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.  Mature Adults 65 and older can shop at 2:30 p.m. Call us at (919) 536-4200 for more information.

Mobile Market

The West End Community Collaboration Mobile Market provides boxes of non-perishable food items to anyone in need. Boxes are distributed on the third Saturday of each month from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Duke Memorial United Methodist Church, 504 West Chapel Hill St., in Durham. Plan to arrive by 9:00 a.m. to get a place in line. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, boxes will be handed out through drive-up only.
Mobile Market is a partnership between the church, WECF, and the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle. For more information or to sign up for box deliveries, please call WECF at (919) 536-4200 or email

YODurham Text Line for Youth

The YODurham Text Line is a one-way text line that shares helpful resources with young people in Durham under age 25. They can sign up to receive free weekly updates about resources and opportunities. Texts are in English and Spanish and include a contact phone number. Sign up online or text “yodurham” to (919) 213-0691.

Mental Health Services

Contact Line

Are you feeling lonely? CONTACT Line’s volunteer counselors will help you feel heard, supported, and empowered. Sign up for a free confidential conversation via video call. Contact

Information for Mature Adults

Explore topics that will help seniors and their loved ones better understand home care services and navigate the caregiver hiring process by clicking on the links below:

Resources about Dementia

Dementia Inclusive Durham